Imagine a tool where we can write a text or article and have it read by a human-like figure in a video format… You will love this website and it will provide that for you.

This is what offers, videos created using artificial intelligence systems, where the person reading our text is not a cartoon but a person moving their lips in sync with the text.
All we have to do is write the paragraph in any of the 38 supported languages, and provide our email so that, after reviewing the text, we receive the video in the appropriate format.
We can choose any AI presenter or create our own. Then we write the video text or paste it and wait about 30 minutes for everything to be processed.
They explain that the videos they create are free for internal use and not intended for online profit. They mention that if we want to use the service for paid marketing campaigns or broadcasting (YouTube, for example), we need to contact customer service to obtain the rights, so if you have thought about creating a YouTube channel with hundreds of videos of this type, I’m afraid this is not the solution.
You can try the website and watch examples created at: