What is the IMEI number in phones and why is it important to know it?

If someone files a report for the theft of their phone, the police will ask them for the IMEI number located on the phone’s box. If someone takes their phone to the warranty for repair, they will also be asked for the same number. There are many similar scenarios where you may have come across this number while browsing the phone’s settings or reading the texts written on the device’s box. Whether you need the IMEI number or not, knowing it is necessary and its importance is crucial for maintaining the phone itself, as we will explain shortly. Note that it is completely different from the serial number. So, what is the IMEI number and what are its uses? How can you find it on Android phones or Apple devices (both iPhone and iPad)? This is what we are going to learn in the following paragraphs.
Finding the IMEI Number on a Phone
First: What is the IMEI Number?
The “International Mobile Equipment Identity” or IMEI number is a unique identifier – like a fingerprint – for various mobile devices. This number plays a major role in distinguishing one phone from another, so if you take the phone for maintenance, for example, it will be distinguished from hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of other devices thanks to the IMEI.
The IMEI consists of 14 basic numbers, with an additional verification number, and sometimes two numbers, to include additional information about the phone’s software in what is known as the IMEISV number. Since 2004, the IMEI number is written in the format “AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D” where the “A” and “B” represent the code of “TAC” which is used to identify the phone manufacturer and its model. For example, the TAC for the iPhone 15 Pro is “35083243”, while Galaxy S22 phones are identified through this TAC as “35180593”. It’s worth mentioning that some phones have more than one TAC due to various factors, such as the manufacturer’s location; the iPhone 5C, for example, has 5 different TAC codes.
As for the “C” field, it represents the unique serial number of the phone determined by the manufacturing company, while the number in the “D” field reflects the compliance with the required standards and ensures that the IMEI number is correctly written, which is known as the Check Digit. It is important to note that this check digit is the fifteenth number in the IMEI number and is not always required to be written; what is important is that the phone manufacturers ensure that the IMEI is written correctly.
Second: Importance of the IMEI Number and its Uses
The IMEI number gives each mobile phone its own identity, you can compare it to a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) for cars but applied to mobile phones. Contrary to what some may think, the IMEI number is not related to the SIM card number at all, nor is it changed. The only common factor that may link the IMEI number to the SIM card is that telecom companies need the numbers to provide you with service.
If your phone is stolen – God forbid – you can immediately report it to the police or the telecom company to blacklist the IMEI number and even notify other companies to beware. Moreover, they can assist you in retrieving the phone with the help of the police of course. Regarding finding the phone using the IMEI number, this is done using various tools and applications that vary from one phone to another.
Typically, the police keep a record of phones that have been recovered using the IMEI number. Due to the lack of a compelling reason to change this unique number for phones, many countries criminalize this act, especially as phone thieves are keen to change it to clear the way for the phone and make it usable again. For this reason, it is never recommended to share the IMEI number with anyone online or anyone you don’t know or trust in general.
Third: How to Find the IMEI Number on Your Phone
If you own a smartphone, whether it’s an iPhone or Android, connected to a SIM card on a 4G or 5G network (otherwise the method will not work), all you have to do is open the “Phone” application that you usually use to make calls, then dial [#06#*] and the number will appear on the screen immediately. If you have two SIM cards, you will see two different numbers in the last field only. Another way to find the IMEI number is through the “Settings” application and go to the “About phone” section where you will find “Phone identity number” or the two numbers if you have two SIMs. On iPhones, you can also find this number in the “About” sub-section under “General” in the settings.
If the IMEI number does not appear for any reason, there is a third method which is removing the SIM card from the phone and examining the back of the plastic piece holding the SIM card, where you should find the number. And if your phone model is iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5C, iPhone 6, or iPhone 6 Plus, look at the back of the phone and you will find the number.
Fourth: Finding the IMEI Number Without the Phone
In some cases, such as phone theft or wanting to buy a used phone, knowing the IMEI number is essential. If you have the phone’s box with you, most likely you will find the IMEI number on the back. In other cases; like buying a used phone from someone who lost the box, try not to proceed with the purchase, because using this number, you can verify the phone’s condition through a website like or CheckMEND that gives you the complete phone usage history for less than $1. Without this number, how can you ensure the quality of the phone? You can also check out our previous article on how to get the IMEI number after a phone theft, where you can rely on Google’s Find My Device service for this purpose.
In conclusion, you now realize the importance of the IMEI number and know that without it, your phone can be stolen or sold to you by someone with a faulty phone. Remember that the existence of the phone relies on its identity, meaning its IMEI number, without which the phone would lose a significant portion of its value.