What are computer viruses? And how do you know if your device is infected?

If you want to know “what are computer viruses“, then you should read this topic carefully, as there are some symptoms that your device will experience when infected with a virus. To know this, you first need to know what computer viruses are. But do not worry, protecting your computer from viruses is no longer difficult, as you can overcome them. But first, let’s find out what viruses are, how they work, and how we know if we have a virus.
What are computer viruses?
A very important question. A virus is a small program programmed to damage your computer (by causing errors in your device, slowing it down, or damaging its hardware), and spread from one computer to another. It also copies itself inside your device and interferes with the computer’s operating system. These viruses are programmed by professional programmers for reasons that may be related to causing damage to computers or because they have a desire to harm others. They may also aim to achieve financial gains.
How do I know if my device is infected or not?
If your device is infected, you will notice strange things happening, such as unknown error messages appearing, other programs not working properly or not working at all. For example, your antivirus program may stop working, indicating that the virus has disabled it. Additionally, you may experience severe slowness in your device, and while browsing the internet, you may notice that the pages you choose do not work correctly. You may also be redirected to other pages, and your device may send messages to your friends’ list without your knowledge. In general, if you notice strange things happening on your device and realize that you have lost control of it, then your device is infected.
What is the effect of viruses on my computer?
Some people expect viruses to only affect system files and software. This is not true. Some viruses are programmed to destroy your hardware or wipe it out completely. You should know that there are viruses that can destroy your entire device! In simple terms, the entire computer is controlled by a set of programs. If this virus is only for controlling and changing settings in a program like BIOS, then the motherboard will be compromised.
So, the effect of viruses on your computer can be normal or abnormal depending on their type. Some viruses annoy you only, while others destroy programs and files within your device, and yet others destroy parts of the hardware, or even the entire device.
What should I do if my device is infected?
The first thing you should do is scan your device using a strong antivirus program. I have written about the best free antivirus programs in a topic titled Best Free Antivirus Programs. If you want to use a paid antivirus program, I recommend using Kaspersky or Bitdefender. After scanning, it is preferable to reinstall a Windows version to completely get rid of these viruses and their effects. (Steps to remove the Autorun virus)
What types of files may be infected?
Let’s face it, downloading from the internet is not easy! Any file you download could contain a virus, so you should only download from trusted websites.
As for files that may be infected, they include:
1 – Files with the “exe” format: These types of files are likely to be infected. Therefore, when downloading “exe” files, you should be sure of the websites you download from. In general, if you want to avoid viruses in general and spyware in particular, avoid downloading any file with an “exe” format less than 1 MB or at least scan it, as mentioned previously in the topic “Say Goodbye to Viruses with the Best Online Scanning Sites.”
2 – Files with “Zip” or “rar” formats: Compressed files may contain “exe” files that could have viruses.
3 – Files with “Scr” format: These are script server files and are also unsafe and should be scanned first.
4 – Files with “Doc” format: Word files are also unsafe, and you should scan them before using them, as they may also contain viruses.
All the above file formats should be thoroughly checked before use, and to know the file format as shown in the following image:
Notes at the end
There are many types of viruses, and not only that, but the number of viruses increases daily. However, with this increase, protection from them is very easy. You will be surprised to know that sometimes I do not use antivirus software, and my device has not been infected for years. It all depends on what was mentioned in this topic. Just knowing what viruses are and which files may be infected will help you avoid them, and I will mention more in upcoming topics. Finally, I hope the topic is helpful.