Watch a video showcasing a preview of the upcoming features on the PS5, it’s amazing!

Watch a video preview of some upcoming features on the PS5
As part of our daily monitoring of all the details and information available about next-gen consoles, we have noticed in recent days important details related to the upcoming Sony home console PS5, which is scheduled for an official and final unveiling event of the list of upcoming titles at launch.
This will take place on Thursday next June 4 at around eleven o’clock in the evening Mecca time. But before that, a few days ago, the creative team Let’s Go Digital decided to give us a glimpse of their latest work on the upcoming PS5 design before the full unveiling of the PS5 console.
This new video preview gives us a look at some of the features that Sony has been working on recently, such as the AI assistant that has been patented as a tool available on the console to assist you in games.
Especially if you are stuck in a certain stage or during a boss fight in some games like upcoming titles from From Software studio, this assistant will intervene to help you, as shown in the preview. It also gives a glimpse of the console’s design and various technical specifications that have been officially revealed for some time. Regards.
Video Preview: