Watch the video comparison of the largest game maps in history, the first place is unbelievable! From time to time on our site, we try to offer our followers somewhat different sections from the usual serious tone they are accustomed to on the site. This can be seen in this topic in particular. Through the video shared with us by the MystereFire channel on YouTube, we can take a look at a fundamental aspect of the gaming world. Maps in the world of games are quite an important part for fans of open-world games in particular. This can be seen through the video below, where this team shared with us a comprehensive look at the largest maps ever designed in the history of the gaming industry. They cover important titles that stood out in a certain period of the history of video games, as well as recently released games. For example, we find many games from studios like Rockstar in the Grand Theft Auto series, as well as games from companies like Ubisoft in Assassin's Creed and Far Cry, and from Bethesda with revered series like The Elder Scrolls and Fallout, among many other games that are equally significant as seen in the video. I leave it to you to watch and discover the worldwide first-place holder. Best regards.