Using System Compression Feature to Save Disk Space in Windows 10.

To use the feature, click on the Start menu and type “Free up disk space by deleting unnecessary files,” then choose the first option in the menu.
Then select the Windows disk from the menu and click OK. After that, wait for a while until a window appears, then click on “Clean Up System Files,” and the same window will appear again, but this time with admin privileges. Check the box next to System Compression, and you will see the space that will be saved after this action next to the option.
Then click OK to start the compression process, and note that I selected the option to clean the Recycle Bin, as well as other options, to clean and free up a large space. The compression process may take a long or short time depending on the speed and capacity of your hard drive. But note that the space saved may be greater than what is indicated due to the size of Windows or other considerations. We have previously reviewed a topic about solving the problem of Windows C drive filling up and another topic reviewing 5 ways to save space on the Windows C drive that you can also refer to.