Two ways to search for a specific image in different sizes and high quality.

Surely, we see many images posted on the internet daily, whether on social media sites or other websites. However, you may come across a unique image that catches your attention and you want to use it for an electronic project or to share on your social media accounts, or if it’s a beautiful image that can be used as a computer wallpaper.. or for any other purpose. But you discover after downloading it that its size is small or too small that not even social media sites allow sharing it, or you may find it in large size while its quality is poor and does not allow it to be used as wallpaper. Here you can try one of the methods that we will review in this article to search for any image in different sizes and high quality.
As we all know, Google search engine offers many other services, one of them is image search, which allows you to search for an image using an image to get search results with many different images similar to the image you searched for. You can benefit from this in many ways such as verifying the authenticity of the images, whether they are old or new, or copied.. and others. You can also use it to get different sizes of the image you searched for, which is what we need in this task.
All you have to do is go to this link and drag and drop the small or low-quality image into this website or you can click on the “camera” icon and select Upload an image then click on Choose File and select the image.
After uploading the image to Google Image Search, you will notice that the first thing it will display is the original size of the image, and below you will find “Search for other sizes of this image” where it shows you 3 options including “Large”, which you can click on to start displaying all the similar images to the image you uploaded starting from the largest size to the smallest. You can also scroll down to see many search results for images similar to the uploaded image and next to the image details, you will find its size. Surely, among these results, you will get high-quality images.
2- Search for images using TinEye:
TinEye website is the first competitor to Google image search service as it is one of the most famous sites that you can use to search for images by another image. It is not much different from Google service as once you upload the selected image from your device, it will start displaying similar images based on the oldest or largest or best similarity to the uploaded image.
After going to the website via this link you will drag and drop the image to the website or click on the arrow button pointing upwards to select the image from your device or alternatively, the website allows you to enter the image link if it is not loaded on your device.
After uploading the image to the website, it will start showing similar images, but select the Biggest image option from the Sort by dropdown menu, and immediately the images will be classified from the largest to the smallest as shown in the above image. If you want to get any image, you can click on the available link next to the Image box. You can also click on the Compare Match option to compare this image with the uploaded image to see the degree of similarity between them.