Top 7 Transformations in the Game Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero

The game Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero offers a wide range of transformations, allowing players to experience the most powerful iconic transformations from the world of Dragon Ball. These transformations not only change the characters’ appearance but also have a significant impact on their abilities, stats, and fighting styles, giving each transformation a unique advantage in battle.
From the devastating power of Super Saiyan transformations to character fusions, these transformations can change the course of the battle. In this list, we will showcase the best transformations in the game, taking into account their impact in battles and their importance in the Dragon Ball series.
The Fusion Dance
The Fusion Dance technique, despite its strength, ranks lower on this list because it requires two characters to execute. Fusion allows two characters to merge into one powerful fighter, combining their powers. However, the downside is that you lose two spots in your team to achieve this fusion.
While the resulting character is usually strong, the preparation for this technique makes it less practical in most battles. Characters like Gogeta and Vegito are popular choices, but they are often chosen from the start.
Gohan’s Transformation into The Great Saiyaman
Gohan’s transformation into The Great Saiyaman is fun but more comedic than effective in combat. In Sparking Zero, The Great Saiyaman offers some unique moves, but this transformation does not provide the raw power that you might expect from Gohan. It seems more like a nod to the humorous side of the series.
This transformation may appeal to fans who enjoy the lighter and more fun aspects of Dragon Ball. However, when it comes to serious battles, The Great Saiyaman is more of a show than a powerhouse. Nevertheless, entering a battle with Gohan and then transforming into The Great Saiyaman sends a clear message, especially if you manage to defeat your opponent.
Goku’s (GT) Transformation into Super Saiyan 4
The design of Super Saiyan 4, with its red fur and striking appearance, is a fan favorite, and its transformation scenes are among the best in the game. Despite its high ranking based on design alone, many players choose this version of the character directly rather than transforming into it because Goku’s attacks in his GT form are limited and impractical in battles.
Cell’s Transformations
The scenes involving Cell reaching his perfect form are always somewhat complex, as this bio-engineered insect-like weapon needs to find Androids 17 and 18 and absorb them using his tail. While these scenes remain memorable, they may seem a bit lengthy during gameplay.
Fortunately, Sparking Zero captures the essence of these moments without making them tiresome. You can now enjoy each stage of Cell’s evolution while seeing expressions of horror on the faces of 17 and 18. However, it should be noted that Perfect Cell is a completely different character, meaning you cannot transform into him from the original Cell form.
Vegeta’s Transformation into Great Ape
When Vegeta transforms into the Great Ape during the Saiyan Saga, it becomes a significant turning point in Sparking Zero, making him immune to many rapid attacks and capable of dealing massive damage. The immense size and strength of Great Ape Vegeta make him a formidable opponent, with attacks that cover large areas and defenses that are nearly impenetrable.
While the size of Great Ape Vegeta may make him somewhat slow, his immense power completely makes up for it. This transformation is not only visually stunning but also incredibly powerful, making it one of the best transformations in the game.
Frieza’s Transformations
Frieza’s transformations in Dragon Ball Z are legendary, and in Sparking Zero, they are equally powerful, if not more so. Many games have tried to capture the essence of Frieza’s transformations, and in this game, we finally see a more detailed version of those transformations.
His transformation into Golden Frieza is also iconic and beautifully presented. The way Frieza’s body distorts and explodes in each transformation makes it stunning at every stage, from the first form to the last, making it a fantastic sight to behold.
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