This is how you will look if you play games excessively for 20 years

The study aims to illustrate the expected appearance of individuals who play games frequently over a period of 20 years due to sleep deprivation, dehydration, vitamin D deficiency, eye strain, and physical changes resulting from hours of online gaming sitting in a chair, away from sunlight and physical activity.
The study, based on Limelight’s statements, states that the average player spends six hours a week playing online games, representing a 19.3% increase compared to last year’s classification made by the World Health Organization that included gaming addiction as a mental disorder.
The study focuses on the forecast that by the year 2040, gamers will be bald, hunched, overweight, with dark circles, eye strains, finger sores, and hair on their ears.
Personally, I recommend ignoring this type of unsupported study that only seeks to tarnish the gamer’s reputation, but I recommend incorporating physical activity and a good diet into your daily routine alongside your gaming activities.