First: Sudden jump in battery drainage.
One of the key signs that indicate that the battery is not in good condition is the severe slow depletion of the battery, meaning there is a jump in the charging. For example, you may find the battery is charged at 90%, and after a while, it is at 80%. This decrease in charging is due to the long use of the battery, and the period of its occurrence varies from one phone to another.
We advise you to watch this article: How to overcome the problem of fake charging by returning your phone battery as if it were new, lasting longer
Secondly: Notice swelling in the phone’s battery.
This is a common issue with smartphones over time, where the presence of swelling in the battery definitely indicates battery damage. Some people continue to use the battery despite its swelling, but this can cause risks to your phone’s system, so be sure to avoid it
Finally: Battery temperature rising faster.
This may seem strange because if you are in a place where the temperature is high, naturally, you will find that the battery temperature is also high. But focus with me only because I said the temperature rises faster than usual, indicating that this battery is about to be damaged. This is only a sign of the battery’s damage and not evidence of its damage
Now that you know these things, you must be smart in dealing with your phone so as not to cause any problems that will give you many headaches. If you have benefited from the topic, please share it so that people can benefit and avoid such problems.
By: Mohamed Arafa