The United States Seeks to “Destroy” Zuckerberg’s Great Project: WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook
However, it seems that this plan may collapse, as reported by The Wall Street Journal, internal sources from the United States government are analyzing the possibility of legally preventing the mutual operation of the three platforms.
It appears that the reason for this is based on Facebook’s privacy issues. However, if it is already difficult for a user who does not need to use WhatsApp, Messenger, or Instagram to join all three apps together, then it will be impossible for anyone to simply escape from Facebook’s grasp when it comes to instant messaging and communication.
Although Zuckerberg said at the time that the interoperability between WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger would ensure the privacy of users with encrypted messages, the big concern is not only that Facebook continues to own the data of millions of users worldwide, but also eliminating other competing apps and making them disappear due to the impossibility of competing on a multi-platform bringing three apps together created by Zuckerberg.
While this is not official, it is rumored that in January 2020 when the U.S. government will begin the process of halting Facebook’s plan