Square Enix Studio Surprises Everyone by Announcing Cancellation of Nosgoth Game Development

In anticipation of its official presentation to everyone, today’s surprise came from Square Enix with its official announcement of the cancellation of the development of the game Nosgoth, which was recently available in beta form and was expected to be released this year as a Free to Play game. Therefore, Square Enix is pulling the plug on the game, which was on the verge of taking off for reasons that are not convincing despite what was claimed.
Ed indicated through his announcement that the development of Nosgoth has been permanently halted for reasons summarized by the Square Enix team as indicating its lack of potential success. The game, based on the world of Ed, is now being shelved in the archives of games due to its beta phase not receiving any interest from players. However, its cancellation is somewhat surprising as it was a highly anticipated project by many players. Best regards.