Solving the issue of intermittent hard disk operation after computer startup

Let’s start by reviewing the best expected solutions to overcome the problem of the hard disk working intermittently in the computer. These are tried and tested solutions that have an impact on resolving the problem. However, if they don’t work, it definitely means there is a problem with the hard disk which may require you to purchase a new hard disk. You can refer to the article “How to Choose Computer Components” to learn how to acquire the best hard disk, whether HDD or a better quality SSD. Now, let’s start directly with reviewing the solutions.
1- Check SATA and data cables
Sometimes the SATA and data cables, which are responsible for providing power and connecting data between the motherboard and the hard disk, accumulate dust around them or there is instability in the supplied power. This contributes to the problem of intermittent hard disk operation. Therefore, you should remove the side cover of the computer case and check the cables connected between the hard disk and the motherboard. Inspect them closely and if you notice any holes or damage in them, buy new cables. However, if they are in good condition, clean the pins in both the ports and reassemble them, then try starting the computer.
2- Check for Errors on the Hard Disk
Sometimes, errors in system files or corruption in them can lead to the system consuming the hard disk’s efficiency completely for its own benefit. You can solve this issue by following the article “How to Repair Corrupt Windows Files and System Problems Without Software”. There may also be errors in the hard disk itself hindering the read and write processes, so go to each partition, right-click, select “Properties”, then go to the “Tools” tab and click on “Check” to scan for disk errors. If a specific error is detected, restart the computer to resolve it. As a final step, check the hard disk’s health on your device to determine if your computer needs an upgrade or not.
3- Check for Bad Sectors
One of the reasons for the hard disk failure is the presence of bad sectors resulting from its misuse, which can lead to quick hard disk failure. You can repair this issue by using the program HD Tune to scan for bad sectors. If many red squares appear during the scan, it means a significant part of the storage disk’s cylinders is affected by bad sectors. We have previously reviewed the best solution for fixing this issue in the article “Bad Sector Fix and Isolating the Affected Area from the Hard Disk”.
4- Replace and Change the Power Supply
If you recently added a new device to your computer case, such as an external graphics card, it will consume a significant amount of power supplied by the power supply to the rest of the machine. The old power supply may not be able to provide all the power needed by the new graphics card or device you added. This may lead to a power imbalance that affects the hard disk’s operation. In this case, you may need to replace the old power supply with a new one that works efficiently and provides more output in terms of wattage. We have previously reviewed the purchase of a power supply article to help you acquire the best suitable power supply for your computer.
5- Provide Adequate Ventilation for the Hard Disk
Most problems related to the hard disk are due to the disk’s temperature exceeding the allowed limit of 45 degrees Celsius. The real reason behind the intermittent operation problem is often a significant increase in the temperature. Therefore, try to provide adequate ventilation for the computer case and avoid placing it in an area with poor airflow. If you can’t provide proper ventilation, you have another solution which is buying an additional fan to dissipate heat near the hard disk or a dynamic fan that pumps air inside the computer case to reduce the hard disk’s temperature.