Simple Trick in Windows to Merge Audio Clips into One Clip

Merging audio clips into one file may not be a task you need to do regularly, but there are situations where you might want to do so. For example, if you have downloaded a long piece of music split into multiple smaller files, you may want to merge them into one file for easy playback instead of playing each music piece separately. Or, you may want to merge your favorite music into one file to play them one after the other using a music player without the need to create a custom playlist. There are various reasons and software that can help you accomplish this task, but today we are going to explain a simple trick in Windows that allows you to merge audio clips without the need to install any external programs, but rather through the command prompt directly.
Article updated on 29 / 4 / 2023
While Windows users have multiple professional software options for editing audio such as Audacity, WavePad, Adobe Audition, and others, there are also online platforms that offer a variety of audio editing tools. But if your situation is limited to just merging audio clips into one file regardless of the file format, you don’t need to use any external tools. One of the great things about Windows is that you can perform many useful tasks using the command prompt (CMD) like installing programs, backing up drivers, converting file formats, etc. The Copy command, for example, can merge MP3 files into one file as outlined in the steps below.
Simply open the File Explorer tool in Windows, regardless of the version you are using, then navigate to the folder containing the audio clips you want to merge. Once the folder is open, type “cmd” in the address bar within the File Explorer window and press Enter. The purpose of this step is to open the Command Prompt within the music clips folder so that commands are executed directly in the folder, and this is what we will do in the second step.
Now, copy the command provided and paste it into the Command Prompt window, but do not press Enter yet:
copy /b file1.mp3 + file2.mp3 newfile.mp3
You will need to make some modifications to this command to perform the function correctly. Firstly, replace file1 with the name of the first audio clip, and likewise file2 with the second audio clip’s name. If these clips are in different formats, replace mp3 with the format of these audio files. Note that you can merge an infinite number of audio clips, not just two. For example, if you want to merge 4 files together, simply add a space, then a plus sign (+), then the name and format of the third clip, then the fourth…and so on.
After making the necessary modifications to the command, press Enter and wait until the Files Copied message appears, and congratulations, you’re done! Now, browse the audio clips folder again, where there should be a new file named newfile containing the merged audio clips.