
Samsung company is working on developing software that allows you to control your TV with your brain.

A few months ago, Samsung started a cooperative project with the Neural Center at the Lausanne School of Applied Arts (EPFL) in Switzerland. In this joint research, they named it “Project Pontis,” and aim to provide a solution for people with physical disabilities such as quadriplegia. In this way, users with physical disabilities can change channels and adjust the volume with their brains. Ricardo Chavarriaga, a researcher at EPFL, believes we should make technology “smarter.” When this project began a few months ago, Samsung Switzerland posted a teaser ad on its YouTube channel announcing “Project Pontis” for the first time. Samsung and EPFL are working on launching this program that combines how brain waves act when a user wants to perform a specific task: choose a movie, change channels, etc. To do this, they must connect a person to 64 sensors while looking at a device responsible for tracking eye movement. The Pontis project, based on brain waves, is designed so that it can also be used by people unable to control their eyes or other muscles reliably. The company unveiled the second model of the Pontis project yesterday (during the Developers’ Conference in San Francisco). They now plan to continue improving it in order to start testing it in Swiss hospitals in early 2019.

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