Rules of the game of Jackaroo and how to play it on mobile

Between Tarneeb, Trix, and Baloot, card games are essential for some friends in their evenings. However, a very important game has emerged recently, which is the game “Jakaro” or as Arab players call it “Jawaker.”
What are the rules of the Jakaro game and how is it played?
Game Tools
- Four players, two against two.
- A set of playing cards: the usual 52-card deck but without the jokers.
- Pieces: each player needs four pieces of the same color.
Game Areas
- Starting area for each player
- Main area for each player
- Safe zone for each player
- Common path for all players
- Burnt card area
- Flipped card area used for drawing
Rules of the Jakaro game
- Each player chooses four pieces of the same color and places them in the starting area.
- The dealer distributes 4 cards to each player.
- Then the players start playing the cards:
- Each card has a role in the game:
- Cards from 2 to 10 move the pieces on the common path by their number.
- The knight allows exchanging one of your pieces with an opponent’s piece.
- The queen moves any piece 12 spaces.
- The king moves a piece 13 spaces.
- The ace can move one space or take a piece out of the starting area.
- There are special cards, where a 7 can split the distance between two pieces.
- All four players can move a piece back four spaces.
- Each card has a role in the game:
- Players take turns clockwise.
- When it’s your turn, you play a card from your hand and move the pieces accordingly.
- After playing, draw new cards so you always have four cards in hand.
- If an opponent’s piece is in the place where you need to place your piece, you can either move the opponent’s piece (if the cards allow) or play another card.
- Pieces move from the starting area to the main area and then to the common path.
- The team that can get all its pieces to the safe zone first wins.
The Jakaro game is full of challenge and fun. It can offer you hours of fun with friends. You can also explore other games on Android in this article.