Report: Sony could be the biggest winner from the success of Black Ops 6.

Some believe that the fate and future of Xbox are resting on the shoulders of Black Ops 6 as Microsoft and Xbox are preparing for the biggest test in the history of the gaming industry after the costly acquisition. If one of the biggest gaming series is unable to save Game Pass, then no one can.
Success simply means growth of the Game Pass service and more blockbuster titles coming to it. Failure means reconsidering the introduction of profitable series like Call of Duty to the service.
But what does this mean for the competitor PlayStation? A report spread today via GIB website suggests that Sony could be the biggest financial winner from the success of Black Ops 6. However, this is only if the game fails to drive Game Pass subscriptions strongly.
Microsoft’s agreement with Sony gives them $21 (30%) out of every $70 spent on purchasing a copy of the game, instead of $14 they used to get previously, in addition to Sony not paying the huge marketing budget that they used to bear jointly with Activision in the past.
Sony’s main loss this year will be the absence of the console bundle with the game that they used to release with every version of the series. If Black Ops 6 succeeds in gathering a large number of subscriptions for the service, then everyone will benefit. Microsoft now gets 70% of the game sales on PlayStation in addition to their profits from the service on PC and Xbox.