Removing old drivers to free up space on your hard drive – DriverStore Explorer program
DriverStore Explorer is a new, open-source program that works as a driver manager for your device, allowing you to view all the installed drivers on your device, both old and new, with details such as the INF file (which is the reference file that points to all driver files), release date, company, size, and more. The program, when run, is read-only without modifications, but you can easily click on “Restart As Admin” to restart the program with all the permissions (Download the program).
Once you restart the program with all permissions as Admin, you can click on “Add Package” to add a new driver from your device, or you can check a box next to any driver or drivers and click on “Delete Package” to remove it, or click on “Select Old Drivers” for the program to automatically select the old drivers, meaning those with newer versions used on your device, and you can directly click on “Delete Package” for immediate deletion.
The program works very well and excellently in identifying old drivers, allowing you to review before deletion. However, I highly recommend that you first review how to backup and restore a backup of your device’s drivers without software and keep a backup of all drivers so you can avoid any future issues.