Remote-operated space vehicles on the Moon and Mars

Spacecraft that are remotely controlled are preparing to operate on the surface of the moon soon, allowing humans on Earth to control the tools of the vehicles virtually, facilitating more precise sampling, drilling, and assembly.
Researchers from the Robotics Laboratory at the University of Bristol in England have tested a new remote control operating system at the European Space Agency’s European Space and Telecommunications Applications Center in Harwell, Oxfordshire. By controlling a virtual simulation of a rover, researchers were able to manipulate a robotic arm to drill a sample of simulated moon soil, eliminating the need for camera feed. This advancement allows for instant control without delay, given the 1.3-second delay between Earth and the moon. Additionally, it is planned to use satellites from the European Space Agency’s Moonlight project to transfer signals between remote operators and robotic missions.
Joe Luca from the University of Bristol stated: “This simulation may help us operate lunar robots remotely from Earth, helping us avoid signal delay issues.”
The virtual simulation includes “touch” interactions, giving the user a sense of touch, simulating the tactile properties of lunar soil under low gravity. This allows remote operators to understand the amount of force required to drill into lunar soil. So far, tactile interactions have been limited to basic tasks like pressing on lunar soil on Earth, not for more complex tasks.
Luca added: “We can adjust the gravity in this model and provide tactile feedback, helping astronauts understand the feel of lunar dust and its behavior under lunar conditions that are one-sixth of Earth’s gravity.”
Additionally, the system can be used to train astronauts who may travel to the moon one day, providing them with a realistic simulation of what to expect.
Luca said, “Space explorers can use this simulation to prepare for future moon exploration missions.”
However, before these plans can be realized, Luca pointed out trust-related issues that need to be overcome, as previous studies have shown a psychological barrier that hinders trust in the efficiency of the virtual system.
Luca’s team measured the efficiency and reliability of their virtual system and found that when simulating regolith, the system was effective 100% of the time and trustworthy 99% of the time.