RecentFilesView program to determine the last files opened on your device

The RecentFilesView program is one of the most distinguished programs because of its small size and ease of use. It does not require installation, just run it on any computer to display the files that have been opened as recent files along with the date and file location. It is worth mentioning that the size of the program is less than 50 kilobytes, meaning it is very small in size. The program is developed by one of the best software teams, Nirsoft, so the program is definitely distinctive. ( Download the program )
Certainly a wonderful program with a small size, you can put it on a flash drive and have it with you permanently so that you can know the latest files opened on any computer by simply placing the flash drive and running the program directly. The files will appear with the date they were opened on the device, making it easy for you to identify them. Note that files in red are files that have been moved from their path or are no longer present on the same path or have been deleted. You will find formats such as images, files, and folder paths. A program worth trying.