Reasons to rely on Windows Defender to protect your device
One of the things that computer users are concerned about is security. Who wants their computer to be infected with a virus? However, this does not mean that you should use more than one security program to prevent threats. As mentioned in the answer “Do we really need to use a security program?”, the answer was “no”. But wait, why do we look for a security program when Windows already comes with a built-in security program called Windows Defender? I think you are familiar with it, but the puzzling question remains, is it enough to protect your device? Along with Mahmoud Monir’s answer to this question in the article “Best Security Program for Windows 10 and Is Microsoft’s Program Enough?”, let me convince you with the following reasons that push you to rely on Windows Defender without hesitation.
Free, Better Than Nothing
The first clear reason, Windows Defender is completely free. All you need to do is buy a Windows version and then get the program without paying anything. Because, as mentioned earlier, you should not use a free security program – or in other words, a free version of a paid security program – because the free version is not really free, there is a price you pay without knowing in addition to the excessive annoyance caused by the free version. But Windows Defender is truly free, providing you with all the protection without asking you to upgrade to the paid version because there is no paid version in the first place. So, if you’re unable to buy more advanced security software, stick to Windows Defender, it’s better than nothing.
Includes Modern Protection Technologies
You may have noticed that with each new update to Windows 10, something new is added to the Windows Defender program, which has made it transition from a basic protection program to an advanced protection program over the years. The program now includes many modern technologies to prevent computer damage from various methods. Let me provide you with a brief overview of the features and advantages included in the program:
– Real-Time Malware Protection: This is a very important feature in antivirus programs. Its function is to monitor your usage activity in the background. For example, if the program detects that you have downloaded a malicious file, it will delete it immediately before it affects the system.
– Cloud-Based Updates: This feature sends reports to Microsoft when suspicious files are found on your device to be scanned. If they pose a threat, the program’s database rules will be updated to prevent their spread to all Windows 10 devices. This is important because it helps Microsoft improve the program’s virus detection skills.
– Offline Scanning: This feature allows you to get rid of stubborn viruses or those that cannot be removed in the usual way. This feature allows Windows Defender to work independently from the operating system to eliminate these viruses without any problems.
– Controlled Folder Access: This feature protects your important files from ransomware viruses that encrypt your files until you pay a ransom to decrypt them. This feature allows the program to deal with this virus and keep your important files safe from any viruses.
All of these features are included in the “free” Windows Defender program, so we cannot describe Windows Defender as a basic program. Microsoft is still working on its development continuously.
Provides Maximum Protection
The website AV Test is a popular site that helps computer users determine which antivirus programs they should use based on three factors using a scale of 0 to 6 where 6 is the highest. The factors are the protection capability, performance, and ease of use. Therefore, let’s see the test results of Windows Defender on this site. As of the writing of this article, the test result of version 4.12, the latest version of Windows Defender, on the AV Test website shows 6/6 for protection, 5.5/6 for performance, and 4/6 for ease of use. These are excellent results indicating that the program can provide maximum protection and competently compete with giant programs like Avast and Avira. So, do not underestimate the capabilities of this program.