Preventing computer from restarting on blue screen of death

The Blue Screen of Death is a screen that suddenly appears in the Windows system, with its color being blue and containing white text. It is one of the most famous error screens in Windows with different versions. The usual reason for this screen to appear is a problem in the system itself, and this screen appears to inform you of this error in the form of an “Error Code” so that you can search for this code on the internet to know the type of error that occurred in the system. The screen may sometimes display the name of the file that caused this halt. It is worth mentioning that the computer restarts shortly after this screen appears, which may prevent the user from seeing the error that occurred in the computer in order to try to solve it. Therefore, we will discuss in this topic how to prevent the computer from restarting when the blue screen appears in Windows so that you can read what is written on it and search for the cause of the problem on the internet to be able to solve it later.
If this screen rarely appears to you, then it is not a big problem, it may be due to a minor error in the execution of a program, and when you restart the computer, everything returns to its correct state. However, if you are experiencing this screen continuously and it appears to you all the time, then it becomes a problem, and you must know the reason for it to try to solve it and get rid of this screen forever. Here is how you can read the error without the computer restarting before reading it:
1- We will enter the Control Panel in Windows as shown in the following image:
2- Click on “System and Security” as shown in the following image:
3- Now click on “System” as shown in the following image:
4- Afterwards, we will get information about our system, and on the left menu, there are various options. We will enter the last option, which is “Advance System Settings” as shown in the following image:
5- Now we will click on “Startup and Recovery” as shown in the following image:
6- Now in the system failure options, we notice there are two options. What matters to us today is the second option between them, which is the option of automatically restarting as shown in the following image:
7- What we will do now is simply uncheck this option to prevent the computer from restarting when a problem occurs so that we can read the error clearly and search for it later to try to solve it as shown in the following image:
Now, after taking these steps, your computer will not restart when a problem occurs and the blue screen appears, giving you enough time to read the error that occurred in the computer in addition to the name of the file causing this problem sometimes. You can then search for this problem on the internet and solve it to get rid of the constant system halt.
Finally, the method does not eliminate the appearance of the screen, but it makes it stop so you can know the error and its cause to solve the problem afterward. You will need to manually restart after reading the error that appears by continuously pressing the power button until the computer stops.