Now we can play some podcasts directly from the Google search engine.

Google search engine wants to be the center of the world, where with search results for movie prices, advertisements, shopping, information cards, translations, flight offers, hotels, maps … gradually search results become less and less important, where what matters is the information that appears first.
Google search engine now wants to take another step to attract podcast lovers without the need to enter any website, as it is testing a feature that allows listening to audio directly from the search engine.
Currently, this new feature does not provide a complete experience as in other specialized platforms, as it only allows browsing through one podcast episode, and we cannot browse through different podcast files from the site.
Google is joining this trend that Apple has also joined when it updated the Podcasts web interface to allow playing episodes directly.
It is worth mentioning that Google has a podcast listening app that you can download from the following link: Google Podcasts