Ninite – Download and Install all Essential Programs in One File

Ninite is a renowned global service that allows you to select the programs you want from the list after visiting the link Then, you choose the programs you want from the list, click on “Get Installer,” wait for a small file to download, and run it to start downloading the selected programs, as shown in the following image.
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This file can be used on any computer at any time. You run it, and the programs are downloaded and installed from the internet. As you can see in the image above, the programs start downloading, and then, as shown in the image below, they start installing on your computer without any intervention, making it easy. Of course, the device needs to be connected to the internet, and some may not like the idea of downloading if their internet speed is not good. Still, it is better than manually installing a group of programs.
Ninite service supports many programs, including popular ones like Chrome, Firefox, Skype, Pidgin, iTunes, VLC, Silverlight, Paint.NET, Open Office, Microsoft Security Essentials, µTorrent, Dropbox, and other globally renowned programs. More programs are continually being added, so if you have an essential program that is not listed, expect it to be added in the future.
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Indeed, it is a fantastic service and program with a very important feature. The program does not bother you with any options or anything during download and installation. The process is silent and in one batch. No additional toolbars, extra programs, or spyware are installed along with the programs. The download is done from the official websites of the programs, making it completely secure. It is a great service that I recommend trying, although the element of downloading programs from the internet every time you want to install them may not be appealing to those with relatively slow internet speeds. However, the service remains globally popular and widely used.