New tool from BitDefender to decrypt the dangerous Avaddon ransomware

Ransomware viruses have spread significantly in recent years, becoming an easy way for criminal hackers to collect money from companies and businessmen in exchange for decrypting their files that have been affected by the virus. Ransomware viruses come in different types, some work offline and some work via an online server. It is very difficult to decrypt the online type unless the server hosting it is taken down, as was the case with the Avaddon virus.
Avaddon Ransomware Virus
This virus not only encrypts the victim’s files, but also filters them and extracts important or sensitive files. The virus creators then negotiate with the victim for a larger sum of money and leave a file with ransom payment instructions on their dark web site, making it one of the most dangerous online ransomware viruses.
Fortunately, the servers of this virus have been taken down, allowing companies to develop tools to decrypt the affected files with the .avdn extension, as shown in the image.
The first company to develop a decryption tool for this virus was the famous BitDefinder. They developed the BDAvaddonDecryptor tool, which you can download from the link below the post. The tool does not require installation, just download and run it, then select a full system scan and press Start tool, letting the tool do its job.
The tool works online, so make sure you have a good connection for it to work properly without interruptions.
Tool BDAvaddonDecryptor
By: Al Bahi