New Google tool for detecting fake videos.

One of the company’s developers said that the idea for this tool came at a time when the company and several other companies are fighting the spread of fake and fabricated news and videos. According to “thestar” website, the new technology primarily relies on artificial intelligence, where the speaker’s mouth in the video is monitored completely including lips and teeth, and then compared to the speech in the same clip through what is known as actual lip movement or -the perfect lip-, and then a report on the video is presented either positively or negatively. Then one of the employees -experts- in this field processes the matter, if a fake video is discovered, it will be removed immediately. According to the same website, the tool will be developed over time to automatically delete fake videos without human intervention.
It is worth mentioning that many companies have declared war on what is known as fake news or rumors, with the most important of those companies being “Google, Facebook”. The question that arises is: Will Google succeed in reducing fake videos through this tool? Or will the tool delete many correct videos?
Edited by: ‘Obaida Taha.’