New gameplay video and closer look at World War Z survival game!

World War Z Survival Game Gets New Video Trailer and Closer Look Through Gameplay!
We are just a short time away from getting the game World War Z, which is racing against time to provide more content to the audience and many features that will distinguish it, including the gameplay.
The development team is trying to focus on it today by deciding to give it a new video dedicated only to the gameplay, which we can take a closer look at through the video below the topic. The team noted through this that World War Z offers us a scenario divided into four stations.
It will take place in Moscow, Russia, Jerusalem, Palestine, New York, USA, and Tokyo, Japan. The team explained that the story at each stage will provide us with different content, and the enemies will deal with you based on the mistakes you make. For example, if you sneak into the target without making any noise, the number of zombies may be very small, and you will remain in control of the situation and retain your ammunition. But if you decide to attack from the beginning, you will face a violent reaction from the zombies as seen in the game videos.
The team emphasized in this presentation that players decide how the missions progress and will provide players with more gear, especially for attackers, where they can use automatic rifles and rocket launchers. In addition, players can choose the character they want to play with.
The team confirms that the game can be played with four players through a cooperative mode, whether with real players or controlled by artificial intelligence. In addition to all that we have discussed, it is possible to experience multiplayer modes that offer various competitive modes such as Domination, Team Death Match, and more. Just a reminder, the release of World War Z game is expected on April 16 for both Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Regards.