Leaked Extended Video Reveals Gameplay Style Inside Far Cry 6 in Detail for First Time!

Long Internet Video Leak Reveals Detailed Gameplay of Far Cry 6 for the First Time
If Far Cry 6 in the past few hours benefited from a set of details and data as reported by Ubisoft and a group of journalists who had the opportunity to explore the game, it came in the past few moments following the unveiling by users on social media an opportunity to discover the game content.
This was through a surfaced video by one of the players who had the opportunity to explore the game in advance some time ago. We can record these scenes from a PC version, noting that the development team aims in the coming moments to reveal the first gameplay demonstration from the Xbox Series X version, as the scenes we obtain from this leaked video actually reveal more about the game world, specifically from a demo version that was being tested by journalists around the world.
This is what I will share with you more details on through initial impressions in the next few hours after the global release through a comprehensive report on our site of course. But before that, I leave you with about 10 minutes of the diverse gameplay style presented through this leak, which could be deleted at any moment although its quality remains average as it’s in 720p. Also, a reminder that the game is not far away, as it is expected to be released on October 7 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. Regards.