It seems that the sequel of Alan Wake 2 expansion includes hints towards Control 2

A few years ago, Remedy Entertainment used the second expansion for the game Control, named AWE, to hint at Alan Wake 2. It seems that the developer has followed the same pattern again, this time using the recent expansion, The Lake House, for Alan Wake 2 to provide us with initial glimpses of the upcoming Control 2.
Disclaimer: The following paragraphs contain spoilers.
As the expansion nears its end, protagonist Kiran Estevez is moved to familiar locations in Control, first the Oceanview hotel, then the Panoptican in the Oldest House, the FBC headquarters itself. In Panoptican, a conversation takes place with Dylan, the brother of Control’s protagonist (and FBC director) Jesse Faden.
This conversation is usually intentionally ambiguous and mysterious, although it ends with Dylan seemingly showing Estevez glimpses of the future, including images that appear to be from Control 2. Based on those images, it seems that the game will not be confined within the limits of the old house, but will take players to New York City itself – which seems to have been corrupted by the Hiss influence.
Of course, before the release of Alan Wake 2 last year, writer and creative director Sam Lake confirmed that the game would continue to expand within the larger Remedy Connected Universe, so this aligns well with the developer’s brand.
It has been officially confirmed that Control 2 is in development in 2022, while earlier this year it was announced that the game has entered the “production-ready” stage behind the scenes. Remedy Entertainment also confirmed that they will self-publish the game.
Recently, an independent cooperative game set in the world of Control titled FBC: Firebreak has been announced and is set to be released next year.