
Is our android device really at risk if we don’t install the latest security update?

Updates are everywhere around us, from the simplest things to the most complex. From operating system updates to software updates, some are useful and some are harmful. With poor internet service in some Arab countries, users tend to dislike the word “update” due to the long time it takes to download and install. Therefore, most users do not deal with this huge amount of updates. On the other hand, does our Android device really risk being compromised if we don’t install the latest security update? Or is it still within the safe zone and has not exceeded the limits of danger? This is what we will try to answer by taking a close and thorough look at the reality of updates in the coming lines of this article.
Why are updates necessary and where do they come from?
Manufacturers often release new updates to address and fix many security vulnerabilities as a priority to approach perfection from a security and ease of use perspective. For Google, they have a range of devices dedicated to constantly delivering updates to ensure a good user experience. They are responsible for maintaining the users’ security away from vulnerabilities and breaches.

Read Also: What are the monthly security updates for your Android phone?

What did the latest update do?
Through the latest update released until the date of writing this article, a critical issue for users of Android devices managed by the Green Man, Android, was fixed. Through the vulnerability, an attacker could plant malicious programs simply by sending an image in PNG format. Once users opened the image, the malicious programs would be activated and chaos would ensue.
Is Google the sole responsible party?
We all know that Android is an open-source system from Google that is adopted and built upon by each individual company. Therefore, Google is not the ultimate authority when it comes to releasing security patches for all phones. Each company that adopts this system in its phones can be proactive in fixing vulnerabilities instead of Google. Many manufacturing companies need to roll out updates for their devices individually. Thus, the total number of Android devices exceeds the number of Pixels by millions.

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So, how do we stay safe?
In this confusing context, how can you ensure your safety, especially when you are a user who does not own a Pixel device? First, do not open images from untrusted text messages or emails. If necessary, check the extension and avoid PNG files. Opening a corrupted PNG file can put your device in a vulnerable state. Note that the issue only affects devices running Android 7.0 and newer versions.
This is what you can do as a precautionary measure until the security update arrives for your device to install it to patch this vulnerability and others and stay within safe zones. It is worth mentioning that some users with low to mid-range devices sometimes experience slowness and lag after downloading and installing updates. In this case, not updating is better, and staying vigilant and aware of how to use devices properly while ensuring the presence of one of the best antivirus and malware programs may help monitor any suspicious activities.

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