
How to send emails through Gmail with attachments in another email

Email messages are one of the most important means of communication and getting work done in the modern age. Instead of sending physical mail, which used to take a lot of time in the past, you can now accomplish tasks in seconds, even when communicating with someone in another country. You can also send attachments with email messages, such as documents and reports related to the message’s subject. Sometimes, you may want to send a complete email message as an attachment to someone else, rather than forwarding it. This process may seem a bit mysterious, so we will explain how to do it specifically in Gmail accounts.

Some may forward old email messages using the “Forward” option, but attaching those messages to a new message is a better option, especially for lengthy messages with multiple conversations between several parties. In this case, attaching the messages to a new message is the best and most organized solution.
The process is simple and can be easily done from your email’s main page. When creating a new email and wanting to attach an old message, simply select the message you want to attach by clicking on the checkbox next to it, and you can select multiple messages to attach by clicking on each message.

Read: How to Save Email Messages on Your Computer in Multiple Ways

After selecting the message(s) you want to attach, right-click and choose “Forward as attachment.” The new message window will open with the attached message(s), and all you have to do is write the recipient’s email address, message content, and send it directly.

The attached message will be sent with a “.eml” extension, and the recipient will be able to easily browse through the attached email messages by clicking on the message, opening it as a received message in their inbox through their browser or any email account management application like the default “Mail” app in Windows 10 or the popular “Outlook” app from Microsoft.
When wanting to attach an email while replying to another email instead of creating a new message, you first need to click on one of the reply options like “Reply” or “Reply to all.” If the option to attach is not available in the reply window, you must click on the button on the right side of the window labeled “Pop out” to open the message in a separate window.

Once in the inbox, you can easily search for the email message you want to attach in any section you prefer, whether “Inbox” or any subfolder you have created. After finding the message, simply drag and drop it into the original message’s window, and it will be attached easily. This process can be repeated if you want to attach multiple email messages.

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