How to Scan Documents Accurately Without a Scanner
Have you just completed a form, attended specific lectures, or written down an idea on paper that you want to send to a friend, colleague, or professor to read or even print? The problem at this moment is that you do not have a nearby scanner or a multipurpose printer. So what is the quickest solution to such situations? In fact, with the amazing advancement of technology, there is nothing you cannot access. You may have a simple tool already in your hands that can solve your dilemma, and you were not aware of it before!
A scanner is basically just a camera that captures an image of the document with extreme accuracy. On the other hand, you carry a camera with good resolution in your pocket every day, so why not use it as a scanner? Fortunately, once you have a smartphone or tablet, you can achieve the same results as a scanner. So in this article, we will show you a tool already installed on your Android device; it will allow you to scan documents, worksheets, or other papers for personal, school, or work-related reasons simply, away from the hassle of dealing with unknown source applications.
How to Use the Scanner Tool on Google Drive
Your phone’s camera may handle the task in many situations, but sometimes it is necessary to perform a more professional scan. Therefore, you will need to resort to the document scanner tool, which is already on your Android device. Google Drive has a built-in feature for scanning documents; all you have to do is take a picture of the document, and Google Drive will do all the work to make it look as clear and crisp as possible.
To get started, open Google Drive and make sure you are logged in to your Google account> click on the floating “+” button in the bottom corner> then select “Scan” option. This will open the camera> from there, try to place the document in the frame completely, then take the picture> the next screen will ask you to confirm your desire to use the image; click “OK” or “Try again” if the picture is not clear enough> now, Google Drive will try to remove the lighting and adjust it automatically. You can also manually adjust this using the cropping buttons and color settings.
If you have a multi-page document, click on the “+” icon to add the next page in the same way> when the document looks good, click “Save” to finish> you can now easily name the file and choose the folder you want to save it in. The document will be saved as a PDF file. This completes the scanning task! Finally, you can download and share it as you wish, you can even copy the text and paste it directly from the image.
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For the best results with clear and precise accuracy, here are a few quick tips; make sure to capture the document in good lighting, stabilize your hand as much as possible, and be cautious of paper bends by placing it on a flat surface while keeping the device at a sufficient distance from the paper. This way, the scan will be in the best condition!