How to Make a Compass in Minecraft

There is much to do in Minecraft (besides crafting diamonds and searching for them, as you know) as it explores all the different biome areas. But sometimes, it can be easy to get lost in the randomly generated world. You can use the intentional death trick to return home (as long as you have set a bed and rested there), but then you will lose anything you had in your character. This is why you should always have a compass with you. It will guide you back to the spawn point without the need to stop and look at the map.
In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about the compass – from how to make one to finding the materials and the benefits of using it.
How to Make a Compass
Finding the necessary materials to make a compass is not difficult. Redstone dust is obtained by smelting iron ore in a furnace using any type of tree logs. You will find redstone dust below the surface, as indicated by a light gray block with red spots on it. Use your axe to start mining down until you find it. Once you do, place one in the furnace with the log that was found from chopping any tree and you will get one redstone dust.
Obtaining iron ingot is similar to redstone dust. You need to smelt iron ore using a log of your choice to get an iron ingot. You likely have plenty of iron ore if you have been mining and exploring, but if not, use your trusted pickaxe to roam below and you will find some quickly.
After getting all the ingredients, follow this recipe:
Step 1: Open your crafting table.
Step 2: Place the redstone dust in the center square
Step 3: Place the four iron ingots in the top, bottom, and on both sides as shown in the image.
Step 4: Collect your compass.
The compass in Minecraft has much more functions than just telling you north direction. Instead, it points to your spawn point, which is very useful when traveling across the map. Your spawn point should be your base or home, where all your valuable items are. You can set your spawn point by typing the command /spawnpoint or by sleeping in a bed. Once you set your spawn point and have a compass, you can find your way back home. The red needle will always point towards the spawn point, whether you are holding the compass, it’s in your hotbar, or in your inventory, which is neat because it means you can free up space in your hands.