
How to connect two computers via WiFi for file transfer

Sometimes we need to transfer files between my computer, and this can be done by connecting them with an internet cable and enabling file sharing between them. However, if we want to transfer files between two laptops or a laptop and another computer that is equipped with a wireless internet card, is this possible? Yes, it is possible to connect them and share files without any software or applications. To learn how to activate this simple method, you will need to follow the steps in this article.

We start by preparing the first computer (for example, a laptop) and the second computer (laptop or regular computer equipped with a wireless card) and also provide the internet service that we will use to connect the two devices via Wi-Fi.

Other topics of interest:

  • Transfer files between Android, computer, and iPhone without a USB cable
  • Baidu WiFi Hotspot program, the best in turning your device into a wireless router
  • Transfer files from a Windows disk in case of Windows breakdown
  • Quick step to transfer and copy files on your device with one click
  • Explanation of how to share files in Windows 7
  • Share files from your phone with any other device via Wi-Fi

Now we go to the first computer on which we will apply the main steps, then we go to the taskbar and click on the Wi-Fi network icon, and choose “Open Network and Sharing Center.”

Then a window will appear, and we choose the option “Change advanced sharing settings.”

A window will appear showing the main sharing settings, and we open all the options by choosing “Turn on” instead of “Turn off.”

We apply “Turn on” in all options except for the last option, we make it “Turn off,” which is “Turn off password protected sharing,” then we click on “Save changes.”

Next, we enter “Open Network and Sharing Center,” then this time we choose “Manage Wireless networks” in order to create a network.

A new window will appear, and we select “Add” to add a new network.

Then we proceed to set up a manual ad hoc network, and here we choose “Create an ad hoc network” to create a sharing network.

We proceed to install this network by clicking on “Next.”

Then we write the details of the new network:

  • Network name
  • Security type
  • Security name (password)

After that, we check the box next to “Save this network” to save the network and its settings, then click on “Next.”

As shown in the image, I have executed the previous steps as explained.

We see that the computer starts creating the new network for file sharing, and we wait a few seconds until it finishes.

We see that the creation of the network “KENZA2016” is completed and ready to work on and connect to it, then we close this window.

After that, we go to the wireless network icon in the taskbar, click on it, and connect to the new network by clicking on “CONNECT.” We repeat these steps on the second computer as well, connecting it to the file sharing network “KENZA2016,” and then start sharing and transferring files between them with ease.

And thus, we have completed our lesson today. I hope I have succeeded in explaining to you, and see you in upcoming lessons. Thank you.

Samah El Kharaz

An Egyptian blogger who loves the field of technology and information technology, specializing in networking and holding a CCNA certificate from Cisco in the field of internet networks. To contact me, visit my Facebook account.

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