
Historic Resident Evil Game Series Producer Leaves Capcom Studios for a New Destination..!

A historical product of the Resident Evil game series is leaving Capcom studios for a new destination. As usual, with the launch of a new title, we have a date with a series of updates announced inside the development studios. This can be seen today with Capcom, as announced by Peter Fabiano, the producer of the latest game, Resident Evil 8 Village.

Through a series of tweets, he revealed that he has decided to leave the company permanently after the release of Resident Evil 8 on May 7th, which he mentioned was the last title he worked on within the company after 13 years of service at Capcom.

He thanked everyone who supported him, both inside and outside the studio, for the trust given to him over the years, especially the development team responsible for the horror and survival game series. He mentioned his significant contributions to titles like Resident Evil 7 Biohazard and the latest, Resident Evil 8 Village.

He also had roles in games like Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 3 Remake, as a character within Resident Evil 7. His departure marks a new chapter in his career, as he moves to Bungie Studios, known for the Destiny series. There are rumors of a new project within the team, which suggests Fabiano will have a crucial role in its development, possibly incorporating elements from the Resident Evil series. Best regards.

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