Here are 11 compelling reasons to choose Debian Linux distribution now!

We have talked in the past few days about the most important reasons that may attract users to deal with the Almentary system or among them beauty and stability, and today our topic for this article will be one of the oldest distributions of Linux and the most established in the world of free and open source and the basis for many distributions including Ubuntu, which is the most famous and popular distribution Debian.
1. Debian is stable and reliable
When people use a Linux desktop, they have different expectations. Some want the latest version of software as soon as possible, even if it means dealing with higher risks of malfunctions or errors, while others just want their computers to work and be reliable, and Debian is known for its stability.
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2. You can use each version for a long period
Debian does not have a regular release schedule; new versions are released when they are ready, which tend to occur every two to three years. While the gap may be longer than long-term support releases of Ubuntu, this means that you can use Debian for a longer period of time with lesser risk of unexpected surprises.
3. Debian is ideal for servers
Thanks to stable software and long release cycles, Debian is one of the great Linux distributions that can run your server. You do not need to look for a separate version of Debian, you can simply choose not to install the desktop environment during installation and focus on server-related tools, and your server does not need to be connected to the internet.
4. Rolling release option is available
Having tested software over time is great, but many of us want the latest program releases on our computers. When applications and interfaces gain new features, waiting for them to arrive in Debian for several years may be longer than desired. Fortunately, there are multiple versions of Debian to choose from, and you can use Debian Unstable or Experimental instead of waiting for new Debian releases.
5. Debian supports various hardware architectures
Switching to Linux for the first time, the most crucial question is whether you can install the distribution on your device. Debian offers installation tools for a wide range of hardware architectures; you can run Debian on Intel 32-bit and 64-bit computers, as well as PowerPC 64-bit devices, and it also supports ARM and MIPS devices.
6. Debian is one of the largest community-managed distributions
Many people are attracted to Linux because of the culture of free software, and Debian stands out as a major distribution managed by the community. While other popular distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, and Elementary have companies leading the projects, Debian is a massive distribution run by the community without a single company leading its creation or maintenance. This aspect may be appealing if you value the free nature of the project.
7. Debian has extensive software support
The DEB format, which is widely used in the Linux world, owes much of its popularity to the number of people using Ubuntu. While not all DEBs that work on Ubuntu work on Debian, there is a good chance that you will find DEBs for both distributions. Debian has some of the largest software repositories, making it easier to find open-source sources you are looking for.
8. With Debian, you are close to the source
Debian does not rely on any other Linux distribution, meaning that the software available in Debian repositories is specifically packaged for Debian. This makes Debian a base for Linux distributions endorsed by the Free Software Foundation, like Trisquel and PureOS.
9. You only need to install free software with Debian
When installing most Linux distributions, proprietary binary blobs are part of the kernel. If your computer does not need this code to function, you may not want to add these unnecessary closed-source boxes to your operating system. Debian does not install these proprietary software by default.
The same applies to Debian repositories; if you stick to the default settings, you will not inadvertently install any proprietary code on your computer. This is why Debian serves as a base for free software-endorsed Linux distributions like Trisquel and PureOS.
10. Debian remains and extends towards the future
Debian has been around since 1993, making it younger than Linux itself by only two years. Despite the hundreds of Linux distributions that have come and gone over the years, Debian has remained resilient over time. Due to the large number of distributions as part of the Debian family, millions of people are invested in this project, which is a significant reason to stick with Debian.
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11. With Debian, you don’t need a strong internet connection
Linux makes software free and accessible at any time, but most distributions assume that you have access to a strong internet connection. If you have a weak internet connection, it can be challenging to get all the applications from the network, which can take a lot of time. Debian offers a DVD release with many programs that you can download from repositories, allowing you to download Debian somewhere where you do not have unlimited internet access and set up the computer later at home or office. You can also buy inexpensive CDs or DVDs and have them shipped to you.