Global Store Announces Release Date for Bully 2 and GTA 6, Here’s the Update from Here…

Global store sets release date for Bully 2 and also GTA 6
Details provided by Instant Gaming continue to emerge, this time with extremely exciting and strange information that has surfaced. Just a few hours after discovering the presence of the game Red Dead Redemption 2 through this store’s files, and coming to the Nintendo Switch, the store also presented another page for pre-ordering games that have not been announced yet.
Although what is available is only rumors and leaks that have emerged over several periods in recent years, this has not stopped the very reliable source from continuing to reveal details related to Rockstar Studios’ games, specifically Bully 2 and GTA 6 , which were highlighted yesterday with a set of details and information that emerged about them. We were among the first sites to address the matter.
On the other hand, this store has decided to stand out again today by revealing through its pages the release date for both Bully 2 and GTA 6, indicating that Bully 2 is coming in 2020 without specifying the devices, while GTA 6, contrary to expectations and leaked details, has its release date set for 2022.
It is undoubtedly very logical for the game Bully 2 to be released this year, always bearing in mind that all these details are just rumors and leaks, and we will wait for the official details from the relevant party, Rockstar team, who clearly will not respond to such rumors, making the wait for what will be announced by the company even more exciting. Best regards.