Get a chance to work as a professional programmer with this free study.

The role of a programmer is undoubtedly one of the most in-demand jobs in the job market, and it is also among the highest-paying jobs at the moment. Due to the impressive advancement in the field of information technology and the diversity of programming languages, the profession of a programmer requires a lot of studies and significant experience to secure a good job opportunity. Simply mastering one or two programming languages is no longer sufficient to obtain a suitable opportunity. Therefore, it is necessary to study new languages and keep up with the latest developments in the field. Since studies in the field of information technology are generally very expensive for those looking to start their professional career, despite the availability of scholarships for studying programming and preparing programmers for the job market, most of these scholarships lack sufficient seriousness and professionalism, or some may opt for free scholarships and studies which may not have a distinguished academic curriculum for study.
However, today we will present you with a great opportunity to study computer science and programming offered by the famous American Harvard University in the form of a training course called CS50, or Computer Science 50. This course is not new and for those who are unfamiliar, it is a course taught annually at Harvard University. The organizers of this course record the lectures in video format and share them for free on various scientific platforms and websites such as EDX, Youtube for those interested in studying from all over the world. Moreover, all study materials, whether video lectures or e-books, and any other help resources are available to everyone for free, and you will be enrolled as a university student.
And despite the multitude of training courses in the field of programming, CS50 is considered the best as it has a wonderful academic curriculum and focuses not only on teaching programming languages like other studies, but aims through its course to prepare a fully professional programmer by training on building your code as a programmer with utmost professionalism and developing the ability to solve problems in the fewest steps possible. Therefore, you will be able to develop professional applications regardless of the programming language used.
As mentioned earlier, registration for the course is completely free. Only if you want to obtain a certified degree from the university, you will need to pay a fee of just $90. Simply studying the course and completing it will give you job opportunities and you may be able to pay the fee later and obtain that certified degree.
The training course currently consists of 11 weekly lectures covering how to solve problems, which is the main purpose of programming, as well as explaining the basic concepts of programming and how to write professional code in the simplest and easiest way using the famous Scratch application to teach programming logic through a graphical interface. Then, a detailed study of programming languages such as C, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML, Python, and at the end of the course, you will be able to easily and professionally build web applications.
It is worth mentioning that there is no specific start date for studying as you will study online and by visiting the main page of the training course, you will find the start date of the new course at the university, but you can register as a student and watch one of the available versions on the university’s website. From time to time, the course instructors update the lectures to the latest version actually studied at Harvard University. To register, click on Enrollment and create an account with your email so that the course organizers can communicate with you and for you to customize your settings. After registration, you will be able to watch the lectures for each level of the training course at any time you want, as long as you log in to resume your course progress. Additionally, you can download the lectures for free for later viewing, and there are Arabic translation files for each lecture in case you have difficulty understanding the lecture in English.
After watching the lecture for each level, you will need to submit a simple project requested at the end of each lecture, and the university provides a sandbox environment for writing your code, so you won’t need to use special programs for training and coding, and you will also find a set of helpful videos from former students in case you encounter problems in executing that project. You will then upload that project for the course organizers to review, evaluate your grades, which is undoubtedly a great feature for practical work and to feel more interactive and enthusiastic to study the course as if you were a registered university student, a feature that may not be available in other studies.
Finally, if you are looking to work as a programmer and don’t know how to start or can’t afford the study costs at training centers, we strongly recommend registering and studying the CS50 course as you will learn a lot about building and programming web applications and start your professional career in the programming field and obtain a certified degree from one of the largest American universities.