Tous les emplacements des Extracteurs dans Unknown 9 : Awakening – Partie un

Many games contain elements that players can find, and the world of Unknown 9: Awakening includes several types that you can find while exploring the world as the character Haroona. One of these elements is the Extractors, and these shiny blue machines can be found anywhere the Ascendants are present.
These machines draw Am energy from the surrounding world wherever they are found, and the Ascendants gather as much of this energy as possible, perhaps for not-so-good reasons. You can leave them be, but the Ascendants don’t need more power than they already have, so start by destroying them.
What are Extractors?
Extractors are small machines produced by Ascendants, and they can be found in a variety of places, from being placed on tables to hidden in high or low places.
There are a total of 55 Extractors distributed throughout most levels of the game except the final level, and you can usually see them from a distance thanks to their bright blue glow.
in French