Téléchargez tous les logiciels informatiques en un seul lien direct gratuitement en 2024.

Download All Computer Programs 2024 latest version with a single link, in this article we introduce you to a website where you can Download Latest 2024 Programs for free with direct and fast link in one click, the website is Ninite which provides you with a lot of effort in searching for essential and important computer programs especially after installing a new Windows on your device and formatting the operating system. Through Ninite website, you can download all programs and install them on your device automatically with ease and safety as all programs are from their official websites. It is a global and trusted website.
Features and Characteristics of Ninite Website
- Free.
- Easy to use.
- Safe to use.
- Provides you with all essential and important programs.
- Downloads and installs programs on your device silently.
- Recognizes the language and type of operating system, whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit, and installs the appropriate programs.
- If the program is already installed, it will not be installed.
- If the program is already installed with an old version, it will update it to the latest version.
- Does not install any annoying toolbars or unwanted items as it brings programs from the official website.
- Supports systems: Windows 11, 10, 8.x, 7, and equivalent Server versions.
Downloading from Ninite Website Explanation
1- Go to the website Ninite
2- Choose the programs you want to download on your device.
3- Click on Get Your Ninite then download the file to your device.
4- Run the file to start the download and installation process.
5- Wait for all programs to be downloaded and installed on the device without any intervention from you.
Programs List in Ninite
Web Browsers
- Chrome
- Opera
- Firefox
- Edge
- Zoom
- Discord
- Skype
- Pidgin
- Thunderbird
- Trillian
- iTunes
- foobar2000
- Winamp
- MusicBee
- Audacity
- K-Lite Codecs
- Spotify
- MediaMonkey
- HandBrake
in French