Présentation du gameplay de The Thing: Remastered mettant en avant la tension, les combats et les poursuites

Nightdive Studios has recently released some gameplay footage for The Thing: Remastered. This is an enhanced version of the 2002 survival horror game (inspired by the 1982 film) and will be released later this year for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.
Aside from the third-person shooting and the presence of Scuttlers, The Thing: Remastered captures everything that made the original version intriguing. The paranoia of doubting your allies, the uncertainty of who may be infected, and the turning on each other at any moment. All of that is present here and looks better than ever, thanks to Nightdive’s KEX engine.
In addition to supporting up to 4K resolution and 144 frames per second on current-gen platforms, The Thing: Remastered features modern atmospheres, dynamic lighting, enhanced character models and animations, and much more. In terms of gameplay, the original director, Mark Atkinson, also confirmed that they have made fixes for the issues that occurred in the 2002 release.
NightDive Studios recently revealed that they are interested in working on remasters for Hexen and Heretic games.