
Les meilleures armes de l’histoire de Fortnite – Partie 1

Fortnite has a long history spanning multiple chapters and seasons, each offering different themes, mechanics, and versions of the Fortnite island and more. Looking back through the seasons of Fortnite evokes a sense of nostalgia, at the very least, as the game has changed significantly over the years, bringing with it fantastic elements and unique additions to the loot pool.

The weapon pool in Fortnite continues to change and evolve with the appearance and removal of different weapons in each season. Over the years, distinct and unusual weapons have emerged and disappeared, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. From the Rocket Launcher to the Assault Rifle, here are the best weapons in Fortnite history.

The loot pool in Fortnite has changed significantly with each passing season, leading to the emergence of additional weapons. We have updated this list with extra entries, showcasing some of the best weapons in Fortnite history from Chapter 1 to Chapter 5.

Rocket Launcher (قاذفة الصواريخ)

A powerful weapon with massive explosive power and significant damage

الندرة الضرر حجم المخزن معدل إطلاق النار وقت إعادة التحميل
عادي (Common) 70 1 0.75 4.68 ثوانٍ
غير عادي (Uncommon) 85 1 0.75 4.14 ثوانٍ
نادر (Rare) 100 1 0.75 3.60 ثوانٍ
ملحمي (Epic) 115 1 0.75 3.06 ثوانٍ
أسطوري (Legendary) 130 1 0.75 2.52 ثوانٍ

Rocket Launcher is one of the most famous weapons in Fortnite history and perhaps one of the strongest. Despite its absence from the loot pool for a long time, many lucky players who obtained it during Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 witnessed its power. As expected, the Rocket Launcher fired explosive rockets, causing massive damage upon impact.

With a maximum damage of 130, the Rocket Launcher was like a bulldozer in all building battles, being able to efficiently destroy players’ structures, especially useful when used from above. The ability to ride rocket projectiles provided an excellent way to advance towards enemy players from a distance, as long as the player was part of a team to execute this move. Despite its immense power, the Rocket Launcher was well-balanced due to its slow projectile speed and long reload time.

Rapid Fire SMG

Powerful weapon with a high rate of fire

الندرة الضرر حجم المخزن معدل إطلاق النار وقت إعادة التحميل
عادي (Common) 13 20 15 1.65 ثانية
غير عادي (Uncommon) 14 20 15 1.58 ثانية
نادر (Rare) 15 20 15 1.5 ثانية
ملحمي (Epic) 16 26 15 1.42 ثانية
أسطوري (Legendary) 17 26 15 1.32 ثانية
خرافي (Mythic) 17 26 15 1.275 ثانية

Over the years, Fortnite has introduced a variety of SMG rifles. While the original SMG rifles and Tactical SMG were great weapons in the seasons they appeared in, the Rapid Fire SMG outperformed most other versions. This distinctive weapon made its first appearance in Chapter 2 of Season 2 and was challenging to beat in close-range battles due to its high damage per second (DPS).

The Rapid Fire SMG was a true beast upon its first appearance, tearing through opponents’ health with its high rate of fire. Not only that, this weapon was also exceptional in destroying enemy structures, as no tips or tricks were enough to stop it. However, to maintain balance, the weapon came with some significant drawbacks, such as weak range and high recoil. Despite these drawbacks, the Rapid Fire SMG remains among the best weapons in Fortnite history.

Striker Burst Assault Rifle

A fantastic weapon for medium to long-range battles

الندرة الضرر حجم المخزن معدل إطلاق النار وقت إعادة التحميل
عادي (Common) 27 20 3.86 2.86 ثانية
غير عادي (Uncommon) 29 20 3.86 2.73 ثانية
نادر (Rare) 30 20 3.86 2.6 ثانية
ملحمي (Epic) 32 20 3.86 2.47 ثانية
أسطوري (Legendary) 33 20 3.86 2.34 ثانية
خرافي (Mythic) 35 20 3.86 2.21 ثانية

Chapter 3 marked an exciting turning point in Fortnite’s weapon pool, as many weapons began to offer the integrated scope feature, which transitions the player to a first-person perspective when aiming. This feature was innovative at the time, paving the way for one of the best medium and long-range weapons in the game: the Striker Burst Assault Rifle.

As the name suggests, the Striker Burst Assault Rifle fired in bursts of two shots, with excellent damage and minimal recoil. These two features made the weapon excellent for long-range battles, especially when used with high accuracy alongside the scope. While players needed to hit both shots to maximize damage, the large magazine size allowed for some margin of error, making it a favorite among both professionals and casual players alike.

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