
Le destin et l’avenir de Xbox reposent sur Black Ops 6

Yesterday, we heard some opinions from industry analysts who believed that Black Ops 6 will attract between 2.5-4 million new Game Pass subscribers, and that Microsoft may be willing to sacrifice game sales in exchange for a larger number of Game Pass subscribers. But will this strategy be effective? What will happen to Xbox if Black Ops 6 fails to attract players to the service?

Writer Rob Fahey published an article on GamesIndustry website, discussing this scenario and the potential outcome for Xbox in case of failure. He stated that Microsoft and Xbox are facing their biggest test in the history of the gaming industry, and if one of the biggest game franchises can’t save Game Pass, then no one can.

The report suggests that Xbox is facing a tough test that will determine the future of the platform and the business model it will adopt in the future. Success simply means growth for the Game Pass service and more blockbuster titles coming to it. Failure means rethinking the idea of adding a profitable series like Call of Duty to the service.

« Rob » says that the company needs millions of subscriptions at the time of the game’s launch, and they will also monitor how Sony is affected by the presence of the game on Game Pass because – according to the journalist – Microsoft expects many to prefer playing Call of Duty on Game Pass « for free » instead of purchasing it for $70 on Playstation.

He added that Microsoft has prepared well for the launch through some steps: First, adjusting prices and categories of the Game Pass service. Second, removing the 14-day trial feature for just $1.

The journalist also mentioned that not bringing the game to Game Pass from day one as a trial was not a logical decision for the company, as the expensive acquisition should benefit them in some way. Either by limiting the game to their platform, losing profits from the series on Playstation, or by releasing it on Game Pass and thus using it to significantly grow the service, which is what Microsoft chose to experiment with, but failure will cost them a lot according to the journalist.

What are your expectations? Will Black Ops 6 succeed in attracting millions of new subscribers to the service?

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