Comment résoudre l’énigme du papillon dans Silent Hill 2 Remake

In the Tips section of our website, we have provided a lot of evidence and guidance to solve the puzzles of Silent Hill 2 Remake. Now we have reached a puzzle that James will encounter in the Blue Creek Apartments area.
Are you looking for a solution to the bed bug puzzle and how to get the lock code for Room 202 in Silent Hill 2? After exploring the first floor and solving the minutes scorpion in the clock puzzle, you can enter the room indicated by James with the letter « M » on the door on his map in Blue Creek Apartments. There is the following puzzle.
Once you enter Room 202, you will find yourself trapped inside with a swarm of bed bugs flying around you and a large lock keeping you trapped inside. If you interact with it, you will notice clues related to the three numbers you need to enter. There is a crescent, a skull, and a dice. To get the correct lock numbers, we need to do the following:
- Crescent – Dice
- Skull + Dice
- Dice – Skull
The crescent, skull, and dice are associated with the insects displayed either in picture frames or wooden boxes. If you look closely, you will find that those you can notice bear the same symbols found on the lock. Start by creating a hole in the wall to access the second room, and push the wardrobe aside to reveal all the symbols. Now we need to count the number of times we see each symbol in the two rooms.
By doing so, we get the following:
- Crescent 8
- Dice 5
- Skull 2
Using these numbers with the equations shown next to the lock, we arrive at the following code, from top to bottom:
- Crescent – Dice = 3
- Skull + Dice = 7
- Dice – Skull = 3
Therefore, the bed bug puzzle code is:
- 373 (Standard mode)
- In hard mode, it is 522