
Comment résoudre l’énigme des rayons X à l’hôpital Brookhaven dans Silent Hill 2

To navigate through the Brookhaven Hospital in the Silent Hill 2 Remake game, you must solve long puzzles to uncover the story of its strange, obsessed director. To navigate through the hospital entirely, you need to solve the X-Ray puzzle on the third floor, which requires finding a set of X-Rays and arranging them to reveal a hidden composition. Not only do you need to know the location of all the X-Rays, but you also need to arrange them together to uncover the secret.

Here is everything you need to know about the X-Ray Viewer puzzle, including where to find the missing X-Rays and how to find the secret number combination.

Once you finally reach the west side of the second floor in Brookhaven, you will find a second staircase that descends to the first floor and ascends to the third floor. As you ascend to the third floor, you will catch another glimpse of Laura, and as you make your way through the area, you will find a room with X-Ray images of the patient on a display mounted on the wall.

Get a note from the nearby table that provides you with some information about the puzzle, along with another X-Ray image showing the pelvic structure that you need, add it to the X-Ray viewer – you don’t have to worry about arranging them until you get the fourth image.

Now, head down to the first floor through the western staircase, which allows you access to a new part of the first floor, the kitchen.

Search for a clogged, disgusting garbage chute and get the mold remover bottle you find there.

To get the final X-Ray image, you need the nursing station code, which you can find on a note in the doctors’ lounge once you get the Inner Wing key on the first floor from Examination Room 3 on the third floor.

Go to the nursing station and enter the code: 3578.

Entering the lounge gives you access to the treatment room, which contains a set of bathtubs filled with dirty water. Check the tub in the corner to find the X-Ray image you need.

Unfortunately, the image is covered in mold. Fortunately, you have the mold remover – combine the two items in your inventory to reveal an X-Ray image of the hand.

Now you can return to the X-Ray viewer, where you can place each X-Ray image. The trick here is to use the marks on the edges of each image to find their positions on the wall; some have X marks or lines that match the marks on the viewer itself.

This is the final image shape. It reveals a code that you can use on the group lock in room D1, across the hallway directly.

The combination you need here is 4 37 12. To unlock the lock, turn the dial to the right to 4, left to 37, and then right again to 12. Inside, you will find the dirty bracelet. You will need it to complete the puzzle in the director’s office.

Before we conclude, check out our other article on the game titled « All Safe Codes and Door Locks in Silent Hill 2 Remake »

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