Comment ouvrir la porte de la salle des insectes à la prison de Toluca dans Silent Hill 2 Remake en français

Entering Toluca Prison is considered one of the most unsettling and strange moments in Silent Hill 2 Remake, and this unsettling feeling is magnified early on when you find yourself trapped in a room full of bugs, with an electronic lock sealing the door and preventing your escape.
The only way to escape from this room is by entering the correct code on that lock to the room’s door, but finding the code may be difficult – especially since the place is crawling with bugs that you need to kill if you want to prevent them from attacking you. This room represents a great moment in Silent Hill 2 that can make you feel terrified while searching for clues to open the lock, but if you are struggling to get out of that room, like we did, we are here to help.
Here’s how to solve the puzzle of the bug room lock, including the solution if you don’t want to go through the trouble of finding it yourself. As always, if you want to find it yourself, it’s time to stop reading.
What is the code for the bug room lock in Toluca Prison?
The clues to open the door are hidden on the walls – which means you have to frantically move your flashlight in search of information. Unfortunately, there is nothing to be found, but the clues you need are still there.
Instead of looking at the walls, once you rid yourself of the deadly bugs, check the electronic lock itself. You will see that you need a three-digit code to exit. Another important detail here is that the lock is covered in blood. Typically, bloodstains may indicate the keys you need to press.
In fact, for this puzzle, the situation is completely reversed. Only three keys on the panel are not covered in blood, and that’s your clue. You will also see these three numbers light up when the room lights flash every few seconds.
The three keys not covered in blood are 2, 3, and 9, and that’s all you need to know to find the correct code. Unfortunately, there are no other clues – just start pressing the buttons. There are only six possible combinations using all three numbers.
If you want the answer quickly, the code is 923. Enter it and the door will open, allowing you to continue exploring Brookhaven.