Comment ouvrir et utiliser chaque pouvoir dans Unknown 9: Awakening

The main thing that sets Unknown 9: Awakening apart from other similar games is the set of abilities that the main character, Haroona, can use during her adventure. However, she doesn’t start the journey with all these abilities, so here’s when you’ll get each ability and how it works.
The first ability you’ll get in Unknown 9: Awakening is Crush, which can be found in the opening chapter of the game with Haroona and Reika. When you get the magical bracelets, Reika will ask you to use them on the wall to break it and open a passage by pressing the triangle button on PlayStation or Y on Xbox. But this is just one of the uses of this ability. Crush has multiple capabilities, as it can be used to explode explosives and items to activate them, or to disable machines and traps, and even use it on the surrounding environment to open a path. Whenever you encounter something that can be crushed, it’s likely to be helpful in one way or another.
Crush may seem limited in its use at first, but it quickly becomes an essential tool in combat for freezing and stopping enemies.
One of the most useful abilities you’ll unlock in Unknown 9 is the Heal ability, which allows Haroona to regain some health using magical energy Am by pressing the left button on the D-Pad. You’ll get this ability after your first combat encounter in the first chapter. Heal doesn’t become more complicated as you progress in the game, but it remains useful always as it was when you first obtained it. Haroona usually heals after most combat encounters, but if you’re in dire need of health during battle, attacking enemies to gather Am energy and then using it to heal is a wise choice.
It’s time to summon the powers of the Jedi, because the next ability in Unknown 9: Awakening is Push. Just like the Crush ability, you’ll get this ability in the opening chapter of the game while exploring with Reika after several combat encounters. As the name suggests, this ability allows you to push enemies away from Haroona by pressing the L2 button on PlayStation or LT on Xbox.
The uses of Push are largely clear, but it can be used to create distance between you and the enemy, as well as push them towards things to activate them, like explosives or gas canisters. The best use of Push is when you are near an edge or a high place, where you can push the enemy to fall and get an instant kill, which is very useful in later combat arenas.
One of the most useful abilities in Unknown 9: Awakening is Peek, which allows Haroona to take a glimpse into the other dimension to observe enemies in the adjacent area by pressing up on the D-Pad. Haroona is taught how to use this ability in the opening chapters of the game, and it comes shortly after you get the Push ability.
While Peek starts off simple, you can upgrade it to highlight collectible items and even keep enemies tagged just by looking at them using this ability. It doesn’t consume any Am energy, so it’s useful to use each time you’re in a stealth encounter and want to track enemies.
Without a doubt, the most important ability in Unknown 9: Awakening is Stepping, which allows Haroona to jump into enemies’ bodies and control them for a short period by pressing the square button on PlayStation or X on Xbox. You’ll get this ability at the end of the first chapter of the game, and you’ll receive a brief training on how it works.
After using the Step command and jumping into an enemy’s body, Haroona can move them for a short period, and she can also use their basic attack against their allies or nearby objects in the surrounding environment. Although you start with just one use of Step, you can get up to three uses as you progress through the story and gain experience. The Step ability recharges each time you defeat an enemy or cause sufficient damage.
There are various ways you can use Step, but some of the best include walking an enemy towards Haroona for a quick stealth attack, or using it to position the enemy near an edge to execute an instant kill by pushing them, or causing a shockwave when there are a large number of enemies gathered. It’s an essential tool to master whether in stealth or combat.
Umbric Shield
My favorite ability in Haroona’s arsenal is Umbric Shield, which you’ll unlock near the end of the second chapter of Unknown 9: Awakening. By continuously pressing the L1 button on PlayStation or LB on Xbox, Haroona uses her energy to summon a shield that can deflect attacks and bullets. It also emits a distinctive sound that gives me satisfaction when the bullets hit it.
As you progress in the game and face more enemies carrying firearms, Umbric Shield becomes a crucial tool you need to master. And while deflecting bullets is useful, the shield can also be used in hand-to-hand combat to parry attacks and perform counter-attacks if used at the right time.
One of the least used abilities in Unknown 9 is Ripple, which you’ll unlock in the third chapter of the game during your adventure in the forest with Luther. By continuously pressing the right button on the controller (D-Pad), Haroona creates an energy ball that can be thrown into the surrounding environment to disorient enemies.
If you’ve played Assassin’s Creed and used a rock to distract enemies, you’ll know how to use Ripple. And while the idea is good in theory, this ability often gets stuck in the environment when thrown, and its range is limited until you upgrade it. Overall, it’s preferable to use Shroud and do the job yourself.
What would Haroona’s ability set be if she had the power to push but not pull? Once you reach the end of the third chapter of Unknown 9, Haroona will gain the ability to pull her enemies towards her by pressing L2 on PlayStation or LT on Xbox, which requires consuming some Am energy.
Initially, the pulling ability may seem useful only for opening enemies to melee attacks, but it becomes more useful over time when you learn how to pull enemies towards explosives or bombs launched by your foes. And if you upgrade it, you can also use it to initiate a heavy attack, making it more useful.
Umbric Attacks
The final power you’ll unlock in Unknown 9: Awakening is Umbric Attack, which you can obtain in the fifth chapter of the game after making your way through the forest and reaching the village. Once you find Reika’s talisman, you’ll gain this powerful ability, which is activated by pressing or holding R2 on PlayStation or RT on Xbox.
Umbric Attacks allow you to use Am energy to send a copy of Haroona to attack enemies. Both the light and heavy versions of Umbric attacks will build a separate bar that allows you to perform Burst Attacks and deal significant damage to enemies. The light version is more akin to projectiles, while the heavy version is a shockwave. Both are among the most powerful attacks in the game.
Tip: If the enemy is blocking, they won’t receive any damage from the Faze type. Therefore, make sure to use a regular heavy attack to break their defense and get them back into a vulnerable position to receive damage.
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