Classement de chaque saison du jeu Fortnite – Partie 2

We continue our article:
Chapter 2 Season 1
A New World
Duration: October 15, 2019 – February 2020
Duration: 128 days
Theme: Fresh Beginnings
New Locations: Craggy Cliffs, Dirty Docks, Frenzy Farm, Holly Hedges, Lazy Lake, Misty Meadows, Steamy Stacks, Slurpy Swamp, Sweaty Sands, Weeping Woods
After a few days off, Fortnite came back with a completely new map and the longest season to date. Unfortunately, like Season X, the first season of Chapter 2 was somewhat disappointing, with only a few updates throughout the season. The addition of boats and fishing was a nice touch, as well as the harpoon, but many fans were expecting more after the epic conclusion of Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 Season 6
Duration: March 16, 2021 – June 8, 2021
Duration: 84 days
Theme: Wildlife
New Locations: Bat Shack, Boney Burbs, Colossal Crops, Guardian of the Bay, Guardian of the Fields, Guardian of the Lake, Guardian of the Mountains, Guardian of the Sea, Guardian of the Woods, Isla Nublada, Primal Pond, The Spire
Chapter 2: Season 6 focused heavily on new shape designs, but it seems that not enough thought was given to gameplay modifications. Things improved slightly towards the end of the season, and the Zero Crisis story ended in a satisfying way. However, for a game heavily reliant on its combat success, many players were expecting more, especially in terms of weapons.
Chapter 3 Season 4
Duration: September 18, 2022 – December 3, 2022
Duration: 76 days
Theme: Chromes
New Locations: Cloudy Condos, Flutter Barn, Chromejam Junction, Chrome Crossroads, Grim Gables, Fort Jonesy, Reality Tree, Herald’s Sanctum, Lustrous Lagoon, Shimmering Shrine, Shiny Sound
During Chapter 3 Season 4, a strange substance called Chromes took over the peaceful Paradise island. Players could cover themselves with Chromes to move faster, use fast Chrome weapons, and defeat the Herald in the creepy Chrome Fort.
While the background story of this season wasn’t very deep, the gameplay was incredibly fun, especially during the Fortnitemares event, where DJ Lyka gave a fantastic show at Reality Tree and players were able to transform into wolves.
Chapter 4 Season 4
Last Resort
Duration: August 25, 2023 – November 3, 2023
Duration: 70 days
Theme: Heist
New Locations: Eclipsed Estate, Relentless Retreat, Sanguine Suites, The Getaway
Chapter 4 Season 4 was the final season of Chapter 4, so this was the last time players could enjoy the Asteria island before it got replaced. While the heist theme was interesting, it didn’t meet the expectations of many players, especially when compared to Chapter 2 Season 2, which was a more entertaining version with classic Fortnite skins.
Additionally, the outfits included in the Last Resort Battle Pass weren’t particularly distinctive; players are unlikely to remember any of the outfits in the future except for Ahsoka and Fish Thicc.
Chapter 5 Season 1
Fortnite Underground
Duration: December 3, 2023 – March 8, 2024
Duration: 96 days
Theme: Community
New Locations: Rebel’s Roost, Classy Courts, Lavish Lair, Ritzy Riviera, Reckless Railways, Grand Glacier, Ruined Reels, Hazy Hillside, Fencing Fields, Pleasant Piazza, Snooty Steppes
While many players consider the OG Fortnite season, prior to Chapter 5 Season 1, as the peak of Fortnite, some were happy to see the return of more mechanics and complex locations.
Chapter 5 brought significant improvements to the gameplay experience, such as the ability to drink shields and use medkits while walking, and introduced new features that were immediately successful, like Society Medallions, which continued with the Aspect of the Gods medals in the Myths & Mortals season. What upset many players was that the season reused a heavily consumed theme, spies and heists.
Chapter 1 Season 9
The Future Is Yours
Duration: May 9, 2019 – July 31, 2019
Duration: 84 days
Theme: Future
New Locations: Mega Mall, Neo Tilted, Pressure Plant
Season 9 of Fortnite was full of ups and downs, but Epic Games should be commended for the ambitious changes they introduced throughout the season. Neo-Tilted was the new hot drop location, filled with futuristic skyscrapers and air streams that swiftly transported players across the city. Replacing the pump shotgun with the combat shotgun was a controversial decision at the time, but players eventually realized that the combat shotgun was a highly effective weapon.
Chapter 2 Season 3
Duration: June 17, 2020 – August 6, 2020
Duration: 70 days
Theme: Watery
New Locations: Catty Corner, Coral Castle, Rickety Rig, The Authority, The Fortilla
After a slow start to Chapter 2, its third season had a significant impact when it finally arrived in June 2020. The Aquaman challenges were highly enjoyable, and the Battle Pass included a strong set of cosmetic rewards. The decision to replace the pump-action shotgun with the charge shotgun was somewhat controversial, but the season overall was warmly welcomed by the player community.