
Toutes les régions froides dans Minecraft

While Minecraft has many warm vibrant biomes, some of the most beautiful are the colder ones. The rare Ice Spikes biome will amaze you the first time you find one yourself. Did you know that there are cows that grow mushrooms on their backs? These are the cold, wet, and strange biomes in Minecraft.

The Snowy Tundra

Similar to a desert, but covered in snow. The Snowy Tundra is usually vast, open, and empty—you may find a few trees here and there, but not many. You’ll find polar bears that are exclusive to this biome, as well as white rabbits. The Tundra is known for its unique monster called the Stray, a frozen skeleton that uses long-range and close-range attacks and slows its targets.

Icy Peaks

The Icy Peaks biome is an extremely rare area, visually similar to the eroded badlands but with towering ice spires instead of terracotta. This biome is content-poor, but if you find it, make sure to mark its location on the map or with coordinates.


Taiga forests are filled with regular and giant spruce trees, along with ferns, thorny berry bushes, and mushrooms. Rabbits and wolves are common here, and this is the only biome where you can find foxes. Villages can also spawn in this biome. Depending on certain conditions, the Taiga biome can be snowy, flat, or mountainous. Giant Taiga forests contain larger spruce trees and Podzol soil, a different type of soil than usual.


Oceans are the largest biome and make up a significant part of the Minecraft Overworld. All oceans generate at the same level. Ocean types include deep ocean, frozen ocean, deep frozen ocean, cold ocean, lukewarm ocean, and warm ocean.

Oceans vary in depth. Warm oceans spawn coral reefs and plenty of aquatic life, including dolphins, pufferfish, tropical fish, and more. Shipwrecks can be found in many of these biomes, adding a sense of history to the world.

Mountains and Cliffs

One of the newest additions to the growing biomes in Minecraft is the high mountain peaks. These peaks include jagged, frozen, and rocky summits, filled with ice and a good layer of snow. Generally, this is where you’ll find goats.

At the base of the mountain, there are snowy slopes and forests. The biggest hazard in this biome is Powder Snow, full blocks of snow that a player can accidentally fall into, leading to freezing and suffocation. Keep an eye on your inventory bar, and you’ll be fine.

Lastly, you can also find Windswept Hills and Windswept Forests in this biome. Windswept Hills feature sharp terrain, where you might find waterfalls, floating islands that were once a bug but are now a feature, llamas, emerald ore, and Infested Stone.

Mushroom Fields

This biome is as strange as it gets. Instead of regular soil, this area has Mycelium, a soil where mushrooms grow abundantly and nothing else unless you put in a lot of effort. This gray substance emits a germ-like effect and is home to giant fungi. Mushroom Fields are also exclusive habitats for Mooshrooms, cows with mushrooms growing on their backs. They may look cute until you realize you can milk them in a bowl for mushroom soup.

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