
10 faits sur les coulisses du développement de Red Dead Redemption 2 et le contenu coupé que vous entendrez pour la première fois (Partie 1)

Whether it’s about designing playable virtual characters, team members, or even non-playable characters scattered throughout the world, well-designed characters that reflect the player’s emotions are one of the things that elevate good games to greatness. Red Dead 2 is distinguished by having one of the best working teams in the industry’s history. Whether it’s Sadie Adler’s rude behavior and refusal to play by the rules; Lenny Summer’s contemplative look at the cultural expansion outside the bubble the gang tries to live in; or Susan Grimshaw’s instinct to care for and protect the camp, all make up unforgettable moments in the game.

On the other hand, Arthur is easily the best-written protagonist in Rockstar’s history, alongside the strong performance of voice actor Roger Clark, he is able to achieve all the emotional rhythms the narrative designers wanted while also being believably flexible when it comes to player actions.

It can be said that Red Dead Redemption 2 is the crown jewel for Rockstar Games when it comes to realism, excitement, deep dramatic story, and unforgettable charismatic characters. To deliver such a work of art with this creativity and precision, work is usually not limited to the chapters and stages we saw in the 2018 released game alone. Instead, a staggering amount of content is developed, most of which does not make it to the final product due to continuous modifications and changes throughout the development period. Now, let’s take a look at some of the content cut from the American West masterpiece that will remain timeless in the gaming industry’s history.

New Austin

New Austin itself was a very late addition to RDR2 development and one of the clearest removed content parts is that Arthur Morgan was originally supposed to be able to explore New Austin in its 1899 version, which seems to have been deleted due to time constraints.

Arthur has a completely unique dialogue when interacting with non-playable characters in New Austin, and his journal illustrations and even some screenshots of Arthur’s menu in New Austin are shown.

Given the delay in deleting this, New Austin that we were able to explore in 1907 is actually a 1899 version (which is why there are no graves in North America dating after 1899), causing many continuity problems with RDR1. A 1907 version was planned even with pre-aged/new versions of store owners already designed, not all of which were used.

Arthur Morgan’s Face

Arthur’s face changed a lot during development, becoming bulkier with a thicker beard, his eyes looking more lifeless, generally looking fiercer and less like Roger Clark than the final version. There was also an early artistic design of Arthur Morgan that was very different from the Arthur we got in the end.


There are 127 unused outfits in RDR2 files, and it seems that RDR2 was originally planned to use a clothing system similar to RDR1 with preset selections to choose from, where Arthur’s hair and beard also change according to the outfit you choose.

The deleted outfits include Pirate Outfit, RDR2 Cover Outfit, Vinton Outfit, Legend of the West Outfit, and Early Artistic Design of Arthur’s Character. Also, Arthur’s original jacket was supposed to be much darker.

First Chapter Redesign Before Launch

The entire Chapter 1 was completely redesigned late in development and was originally intended to serve as a much longer introduction to the RDR2 game, the review resulted in the complete redesign of most of the northern map areas. This caused changes in the mountain locations mid-development, redesigning a large portion of the area. This resulted in the cutting of the Tempest Rim area, where Colter’s chapter events were originally set, and completely shutting it down even though it was almost finished as an explorable area (can only be accessed in the game through a technical glitch).

Non-Playable Character Models

There is a very large number of non-playable characters and different versions that have not been included in the game despite looking finished, such as these bulky individuals shown in the pictures, who did not make their way into the final game.

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